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Exclusive release of explosive power barefoot drills.  This 12 week program (to be performed once a week) is designed to improve muscular coordination, reaction time, explosive speed and power specific to athletes looking to perform their best.  It is perfect for wrestlers, runners, football and soccer players.


It is supplemental to your regular sports' training, but crucial in developing sustainable and consistent athletic ability season to season.


Included in the program is a comprehensive, detailed 10 minute video demonstrating the drills in real time and in slow motion with explanation.  You will also receive a one sheet cheat sheet to download/print and track progress.  Additionally, 4 one on one thirty-minute video analysis at week 1, week 4, week 8, week 12 to ensure you're on track to have a breakout year!

12 Week Explosive Power Barefoot Drills Program

SKU: 364215376135192
  • After purchase, there is a no refund or return policy.

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